Impact de nos programmes de développement du leadership chez nos clients
Voir d’autres Résultats du leadership chez nos clients

Global Manufacturer Thrives Amidst Change by Developing Frontline Leadership Skills
The CEO of a global protection solutions company set forth a comprehensive transformational manufacturing strategy intent on improving quality and lowering costs. This required streamlining the entire supply chain and shifting manufacturing among sites, leading to plant closings and changes in product lines. The organization realized that the plant supervisors and managers were the essential link between strategy and execution since they were the closest to the issues. En savoir plus.

Leading the Culture Change: Arming Managers with the Right Tools
As this global specialty distributor of networking and communications equipment operates in a sales-intensive, highly competitive marketplace, it was important to the company to retain its talented employees. When that was not happening, an employee survey was sent out to get to the root of the problem. En savoir plus.

Nationwide Medical Group Promotes Collaboration and Organizational Growth Through Leadership Development
Developing well-rounded leaders is a critical focus for this distinguished prominent nationwide medical group. Practicing physicians who are regarded as high potentials, as well as physicians and operational leaders who recently transitioned into leadership roles, must gain deep understanding of the varying levels of skills leaders must demonstrate to ensure organizational wellness, growth, and the highest standards in health care. En savoir plus.

Plus de 15,5 millions d’euros de revenus attribués à un programme de développement très prometteur de l’encadrement
Après avoir été confrontée aux pressions accrues de la concurrence, et devenue très dépendante de ses collaborateurs talentueux, une entreprise internationale dans les communications et les médias a lancé un programme de développement des talents. En savoir plus.

Une compagnie aérienne internationale améliore son efficacité d’exploitation de 56%
Connue pour son innovation et son leadership dans le secteur, une compagnie aérienne se félicite du changement comme avantage compétitif. En savoir plus.

Une entreprise technologique mondiale augmente sa productivité de 11 à 26 % en formant des leaders très performants
Un leader technologique mondial dans l'industrie du voyage et du tourisme a voulu renforcer son centre de R&D pour ses opérations APAC, afin d'encourager une activité plus transformationnelle. En savoir plus.