Le Téléconseiller gagnant (Inbound Sales Excellence)
Call centres often yield a return on investment of 20 percent or better and have such an impact on the bottom line that they are sometimes considered to be profit centres with their own income and growth targets for the top line. Effective use of call centres has enabled organisations to expand the reach beyond traditional marketing tools such as advertising, promotions and personal sales.
Inbound Sales Excellence (ISE) is a compelling customer-service programme that dramatically improves how call centre workers create value for organisations. It helps participants clearly communicate their competence and establish credibility with customers, who in turn will be more likely to respond to questions, accept their recommendations and remain loyal over the long term.
ISE provides your call centre personnel with the skills to guide the incoming call, discover the caller's needs, relate those needs to a solution and finalise the sale.
Value Proposition
Inbound Sales Excellence gives call centre personnel the skills to sell in the inbound call centre environment. Call centre personnel are able to control the call and sell, while maintaining a positive relationship with the caller. Wide implementation of a complete ISE approach can lead to substantially increased call centre sales.
Implementing Inbound Sales Excellence fits the call centre environment by design. It engages the call centre managers to gain their support and commitment to coach their teams. Learning components can be flexibly delivered as a modular instructor-led or blended solution (with e-learning for most content, followed by an application session for practice and action planning). Several optional components (in italics) are highly recommended to create an integrated solution to change sales results.
Participant Readiness: Prepares participants and managers for the overall learning experience
- Pre-workshop communication sets the context for learning.
Learning Transfer: Embeds practice and use of new skills in the learning design. The learning can be flexibly delivered as a:
- Two-day face-to-face application-oriented workshop
- All can be delivered in modular format over non-consecutive days to allow application between sessions.
The face-to-face workshop can be taught by a Wilson Learning facilitator or by an organisation's own leader-trained in-house professional.
Organisational Alignment: Ensures the organisation supports the use of the new skills
- Post-learning reinforcement activities (optional) for both the manager and participant support skill application and implementation.
As a result, participants will continue to apply the skills and tools learning in ISE long after the learning event is completed. Whether instructor-led or blended, ISE has a classroom component which can be taught by a Wilson Learning facilitator or by an organisation's leader-trained in-house professional.
Enabling Improved Performance
Inbound Sales Excellence can be enhanced by application, reinforcement and support tools. During the course, participants will be given checklists that will ensure programme implementation. These checklists can be used after the programme is completed to continue implementation of the methods learned. ISE also has a manager component to help call centre supervisors learn to coach to the skills the agents learn. Enabling supervisors to support call centre staff and holding them accountable is critical to successful implementation of ISE.
Organisations that implement Inbound Sales Excellence can also access optional measurement and evaluation tools. The coaching tools indicate and demonstrate progress as a by-product of the coaching process.
In a call centre environment, there is no shortage of metrics. Through optional consultation with Wilson Learning, appropriate metrics can be identified to see the ISE difference. This difference will be seen in terms of changed behaviour and sales, while giving other variables the appropriate credit.
In most implementations, Wilson Learning will partner with your organisation to measure the initial behavioural changes and business results. Our common interest is to make sure that Inbound Sales Excellence delivers the results you seek. We are committed to helping you succeed; we will work with you to set up measurement systems to help move desired change forward and sustain the momentum of your implementation.
To learn more about measuring the impact of learning, visit Measurement and Evaluation Services.
This offering, like all others from Wilson Learning, can be customised to reflect your sales environment and business priorities and can be integrated with your sales process.