Wilson Learning经典丛书之一
ISBN: 9787506036733
Larry Wilson在1965年开创了顾问式销售方法。书中详细介绍了顾问式销售方法的四步法,它将帮助你与客户建立起长期的合作伙伴关系。这套方法经过上百万名销售人员的检验。他们将告诉你,若销售人员真的能将客户的需求和问题放在首要位置,就能带来巨大的变化。作为一名顾问式销售人员,你需要赢得客户的信任,为他们解决实际的业务问题,同时你的方案能为你和你的客户带来双赢的结果。
Wilson Learning经典丛书之一
ISBN: 9787506039352
Wilson Learning经典丛书之一
ISBN: 9787506039116

Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back
By Steve Bucholz & Tom Roth
ISBN-10: 1732727708
ISBN-13: 978-1732727700
This book begins with a question: What takes the human energy out of an organization and how to get it back? Unplugged is about understanding what happens to employees when they lose their way amidst change, when they become unplugged from purpose, connection, direction, meaning, and value. When they, in a word, lose their energy. The book provides a fresh look at engagement as a choice employees make based on how they perceive the change and on how much discretionary energy they will give to the endeavor.
Win-Win Selling, 3rd Edition: Turning Customer Needs into Sales
By Wilson Learning
ISBN: 9077256016
Four decades after Larry Wilson pioneered the Counselor selling approach, this book gives you the original 4-step process for building Long-Term Relationships with Buyers. A million salespeople who use the Counselor method will tell you how profoundly revolutionary and powerful it is because it puts the customer’s needs and problems first. As a Counselor seller, you become a trusted problem solver for your customers, creating a win-win situation for you, your customer, and the organization.
Versatile Selling: Adapting Your Style So Customers Say "YES!"
By Wilson Learning
ISBN: 9077256032
Versatile Selling combines the art of selling with the ability to adapt your approach in order to sell in a way that customers want to buy. This book helps people understand their own style and how to identify other people's styles. Versatility puts your customers at ease so that they feel more comfortable working with you and improves your success rate. Versatility is a powerful yet simple way to treat customers the way they want to be treated. It gets you and the customer to “Yes” sooner by leveraging the human side of the sale.
The One Minute Salesperson
By Larry Wilson & Spencer Johnson
ISBN: 0739307681
Larry Wilson and Spencer Johnson use their storytelling skills to teach principles of selling. Techniques such as preparing for and visualizing success are part of the formula, but the most valuable idea is to spend a full minute before each sales encounter focusing on what is best for the customer. Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine.
The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes
By William Ury
ISBN: 0553804987
Based on William Ury’s celebrated Harvard University course for managers and professionals, The Power of a Positive No offers concrete advice and practical examples for saying No in virtually any situation. Whether you need to say No to your customer or your coworker, your employee or your CEO, your child or your spouse, you will find in this book the secret to saying No clearly, respectfully, and effectively.
The Social Styles Handbook: Find Your Comfort Zone and Make Your Partner, Family, Friends and Co-Workers Comfortable with You
By Wilson Learning
ISBN: 9077256040
This handbook helps you understand yourself and others in a non-judgmental, proven, productive way. When you know your own style and adapt it to others' Social Styles, communication gets easier, conflict lessens, and your influence increases. Many say it's a life changing-experience.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
By William Ury & Roger Fisher
ISBN: 0140157352
Getting to Yes has sold over two million copies worldwide making it the best selling book in negotiations. It is recognized as one of the most effective and practical guides to negotiation and has helped millions of people secure win-win outcomes in constructive negotiations. This book cuts through the jargon to a few easily remembered principles that will guide you to success, no matter what the other side does.
Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation
By William Ury
ISBN: 0553371312
We all want to get to yes, but what happens when the other person keeps saying no? How can you negotiate successfully with a stubborn boss, an irate customer, or a deceitful coworker? In Getting Past No, William Ury of Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation offers a proven breakthrough strategy for turning adversaries into negotiating partners. Getting Past No is the state-of-the-art book on negotiation for the twenty-first century. It will help you deal with tough times, tough people, and tough negotiations. You don’t have to get mad or get even. Instead, you can get what you want!