Trois mythes de vente virtuelle démystifiés (Infographic)
La réalité derrière les idées fausses de la vente virtuelle dans l'environnement actuel
As salespeople struggle to access and engage customers in this new environment, the topic of virtual selling has understandably received a lot of attention. Although some specific virtual skills training is certainly an important component of meeting the current challenges, a more thoughtful, systemic approach to sales effectiveness is required to move the needle on sales performance.
Check out the infographic below to discover the realities behind the common myths of virtual selling that we’ve heard from our customers.

Next Steps
While selling virtually may be different, introducing all new core selling skills to your sales professionals may not be the answer. It is well worth taking a half step back from launching a new virtual selling program in order to reinforce and carry forward the best of what you already have in place. This will ensure the new virtual skills your salespeople are learning are anchored on the framework of your core sales methodology and a reapplied, if not reimagined, sales process. Want to Learn More About Virtual Selling?
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