Strategic Partners
Dr. David L. Bradford
Dr. David L. Bradford is coauthor (with Dr. Allen Cohen) of the book Managing for Excellence. In the late 1980s, Wilson Learning worked with both Drs. Bradford and Cohen to develop the program Managing for Excellence (MFE); this program was revised and relaunched in the mid-1990s as Leading for Growth™ (LFG). Wilson Learning maintains an ongoing relationship with Dr. Bradford.
Dr. Steve Buchholz
Dr. Steve Buchholz is the President and Founder of Emergence, whose purpose is to "help discover the potential in people." He is a recognized leader in the field of change management. Dr. Buchholz, along with Dr. Harry Woodward, authored the business best seller Aftershock: Helping People Through Corporate Change. Dr. Buchholz also wrote The Positive Manager and Creating the High-Performance Team.
Dr. Buchholz's prior experience includes serving as Vice President of Wilson Learning Corporation where he was responsible for researching business trends and translating the findings into learning interventions for corporations. He was a founding partner of The Inventure Group, a company focused on leadership and life coaching. Wilson Learning maintains an ongoing relationship with Dr. Buchholz.
Dr. Allen Cohen
Dr. Allen Cohen's relationship with Wilson Learning began in the late 1980s. Dr. Cohen is coauthor (with Dr. Bradford) of the book Managing for Excellence. Wilson Learning worked with Drs. Cohen and Bradford to develop the program Managing for Excellence (MFE), which has since been revised and relaunched as Leading for Growth™ (LFG). Wilson Learning maintains an ongoing relationship with Dr. Cohen.
Dr. William Miller
Dr. William Miller began working with Wilson Learning in 1992. Dr. Miller's relationship with Wilson Learning led to the creation of Innovation Styles and Tools, a one-day program focused on individual creativity, and the Innovation in Action series, a program focused on company issues. The latter program combined Innovation Styles and Tools with additional modules on The Creative Journey, Taking Initiative, and Strategic Innovation Management (SIMAP).
Dr. William L. Ury
Dr. William Ury has partnered with Wilson Learning for many years. Dr. Ury is a cofounder and Distinguished Senior Fellow of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation. He is coauthor of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, a fifteen-million-copy best seller translated into more than 35 languages, and author of the award winning Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations. The negotiation techniques in these books serve as the foundation for Wilson Learning’s Negotiating to Yes offering.
The Innovator Company
The Innovator Company develops strategic focusing products and provides consulting services in all industry segments. The Innovator uses voting software and wireless handheld keypads to focus strategic group dialogue by quickly and anonymously prioritizing issues and ideas.
Quarto Consulting LTD
Wilson Learning and Quarto Consulting LTD have been business partners for over 10 years, collaborating to design, develop, deliver, and evaluate large-scale programs/interventions. Quarto has provided invaluable content and design, specifically in Wilson Learning's programs Consulting with Clients and Turning Information into Sales.