Подход лидера
Вызовы для лидера
- Формирование видения, цели и лидерских качеств
- Подготовка новых лидеров и высоко потенциальных сотрудников
- Как найти равновесие между лидерством и менеджментом
- Развите коммуникативной универсальности и навыков управления конфликтами
- Как добиться вовлеченности сотрудников
- Коучинг и мотивация сотрудников
- управление изменениями
- Делегирование и постановка командных иличных целей
- Навыки влияния и переговоров
- Становление сотрудничества
- Стимулирование инноваций и творчества
- Содействие кросс-культурный эффективности
- Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат
Учебные услуги
Результаты клиентов
Coaching and Motivating Employees
Leaders have a significant impact on their employees' performance. The ability to coach and foster improved performance and fulfilment is critical to engaging employees in their work, motivating them to expand their skill sets over time and inspiring them to succeed. This requires a structured coaching process that taps employees' potential and leads to improved performance and fulfilment.
Coaching for Performance
Leading for Performance: Coaching for Performance offers first-line and mid-level managers coaching skills and techniques to create the conditions under which employees can succeed. This programme will enable organisations to gain a competitive advantage using an effective, structural coaching approach that taps employees' potential and leads to improved performance and fulfilment. Узнать больше
Lighthouse Coaching
Lighthouse Coaching will help the busy manager move from the "error-correction" management style to the "goal-attainment" coaching style. Use of the Lighthouse Coaching Planning Form, during and after the session, directs the manager through the five steps of the coaching process. Узнать больше
Motivating for Results
Leading for Performance: Motivating for Results helps managers learn how to influence motivation. When motivation is a factor, managers need to instill confidence that efforts will lead to success, that success is worth having and that the effort will result in something that is of value to employees. Узнать больше
Reviewing Performance
In Leading for Performance: Reviewing Performance participants examine performance review processes, learn best practices for conducting reviews, discuss guidelines for rating performance and common rating errors and practice proven techniques to prepare, write and conduct effective performance reviews. Узнать больше