Подход лидера
Вызовы для лидера
- Формирование видения, цели и лидерских качеств
- Подготовка новых лидеров и высоко потенциальных сотрудников
- Как найти равновесие между лидерством и менеджментом
- Развите коммуникативной универсальности и навыков управления конфликтами
- Как добиться вовлеченности сотрудников
- Коучинг и мотивация сотрудников
- управление изменениями
- Делегирование и постановка командных иличных целей
- Навыки влияния и переговоров
- Становление сотрудничества
- Стимулирование инноваций и творчества
- Содействие кросс-культурный эффективности
- Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат
Учебные услуги
Результаты клиентов
Leadership Form
While Leadership Character is the foundation of effective leadership, it is not sufficient alone. Form represents the skills and knowledge that adapt and change depending on the leader's level. Form is the vehicle that equips leaders and managers to influence colleagues and direct reports.
Based on in-depth research and practical experience, competent leadership at all levels requires a core set of skills to drive strategy, achieve results and create employee engagement. These skills cover a wide range, from communicating effectively to coaching, setting goals to executing strategy, managing change to leading innovation and managing conflict to influencing to achieve objectives.
In the end, effective leadership is about both Essence and Form—a clarity of purpose for what one wants to be as a leader, and the ability to execute with requisite skills and knowledge. Only through this integration of Essence and Form can a leader effectively engage others in fully committing their energy, creativity and talents for greater organisational success.