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HR and Training Articles & White-papers
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Approach to learning: How we enhance human performance through learning (Point of View paper)
Learning, the acquisition of new skills, knowledgeable and capabilities, always occurs within the context of human performance improvement! Wilson Learning approaches every client situation from this perspective. That is, we begin with a process of understanding the clients needs, expectations, situation and problems. Узнать больше
Assessment technology in the age of hyper-competition (Point of View paper)
As markets heat up all over the world, companies strive to develop strategies and tactics to contend with today's dynamic conditions, or at least survive them. "Hyper-competition is an environment of intense change in which flexible, aggressive, innovative competitors move into markets easily and rapidly, eroding the advantages of the large and established players." Узнать больше
Beyond the training event: 6 best practices that ensure learning results
Training events on their own aren’t enough to ensure lasting performance improvement but what can you do? Elevate any learning effort from programme to performance improvement initiative with these six best practices. Узнать больше
Building extended learning systems that deliver
What does work is to combine the most critical components required for learning into a comprehensive, extended learning system. Such a system lays a foundation for the learner, establishes the why and the how for learning and provides application support to make sure newly acquired skills and knowledge are used on the job. Узнать больше
Delivering business value through learning & development: Three strategies to maximise the value of L&D's role
Senior business leaders increasingly see shortages of skills as a major impediment to executing their business strategies. To handle these oncoming performance gaps the L&D role must move out of the training silo and into the strategic conversation. Discover 3 strategies to help maximise the value of L&D's business role within the organisation. Узнать больше
Designing an Effective Learning Journey: Why Maximizing Manager Involvement Can Boost Performance Impact by More Than 40%
You’ve seen the technology, you like the customization options, and you understand the impact, but before you implement a learning journey in your organization, what are the key “must haves” that ensure new skills are effectively applied and transferred to the job? Manager support and coaching get results, but which approach is actually proven to boost learning transfer, drive application, and improve performance? Узнать больше
Global training initiatives: Four strategies for enhancing global learning implementation
What makes a learning project global and successful? From the start, it's important to set a context of global awareness and effectiveness. Узнать больше
L&D’s role in sales enablement: What every learning professional needs to know today to impact sales results tomorrow
Improving the alignment of the core functional elements, the go-to-market strategy, and the customer experience is the ultimate objective of sales enablement. Accomplishing this triple alignment requires coordination across multiple functions, including Learning and Development. Read more about what executives are demanding from today's L&D professionals. Узнать больше
Learning transfer made easy: Four lessons learned from experience
If you ask a busy learning professional about learning transfer, you'll likely hear two things: First, it's very important; second, it's very hard. So what is it about the process that makes learning transfer so challenging? Узнать больше
Leveraging manager involvement for learning transfer: Three tips to pull learning through your organisation—A blueprint for success
Managers play a pivotal role in the transfer of learning and helping to drive performance results. But how can we best leverage busy managers' involvement in maximising learning transfer? We've honed it down to three practical yet effective tips. Узнать больше