Развитие лидерских качеств, обучение продаж, развитие персонала | Wilson Learning Worldwide
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Достижение результатов через увеличение эффективности работы

Будучи лидером в своей отрасли, мы ведем компании наших клиентов к успеху развивая, вдохновляя и преобразуя их основной капитал –персонал. Вне зависимости от того, с какими проблемами сталкиваются наши клиенты – буде это проблемы в продажах, управлении командами или подготовке кадров, Wilson Learning всегда придет на помощь.

Почему нас выбирают клиенты

Решения, дающие незамедлительный результат • Глобальное присутствие • Глубина предлагаемых решений • Эффективные технологии обучения • Внимание к клиенту и гибкость • Лидер отрасли • Экспертиза во многих областях

Глобальные решения для обучения и развития
50 лет
Мы работаем более чем в 50 странах на 30 языках
  • "Skilfully Leading Forward from This New Place:"

    Given the current realities, resilient leaders need to mindfully pause and emerge with a proven process to foster innovation, opportunity, and success.

    "Resilient Leaders Build Resilient Followers" learn more

    "Resilient Sales Leaders Build Resilient Salesforces" learn more

    Skilfully Leading Forward from This New Place
  • "We Can’t Travel, So Do We Stop Training? No!"

    Organisations are taking actions to reduce the impact of the coronavirus and COVID-19 on their business.

    But you can move the training to the virtual training environment, ensuring your workforce remains healthy while still accomplishing your business goals.

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    We Can’t Travel, So Do We Stop Training? No!
  • Press Release — March 27, 2020

    Wilson Learning Named to 2020 Training Industry Top 20 Leadership Training Companies List.

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    Wilson Learning Named to 2020 Training Industry Top 20 Leadership Training Companies List
  • Press Release — January 27, 2020

    Wilson Learning Wins a Training Magazine Network Choice Award for Custom Content/Program Development.

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    Wilson Learning Wins a Training Magazine Network Choice Award
  • Press Release — January 8, 2020

    Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back is Selected as a Best Business Book for 2019.

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    Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back
  • The Results of the Strategic L&D Survey Conducted by Wilson Learning and Training Magazine

    Wilson Learning recently partnered with Training Magazine to conduct a Strategic L&D Survey.

    Learn what L&D organisations need to do to be recognised as strategic leaders. Plus, gain insights on specific actions “strategic L&D organisations” are taking that separate them from other organisations.

    We Talk the Talk, But Do We Walk the Walk?
  • Published on TrainingIndustry.com

    Driving a Hard Bargain Is Driving Your Buyers Away: Why Negotiating Is the New Closing

    Because the way we do business has changed, our interactions need to change. In the B2B sales space, this means the interactions between buyers and sellers. Our TrainingIndustry.com article highlights five practical strategies for more sophisticated conversations with prospective buyers. Click “Learn More” to read an expanded article on WilsonLearning.com.

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    TrainingIndustry.com logo
  • The Results of the Strategic L&D Survey Conducted by Wilson Learning and Training Magazine

    Wilson Learning recently partnered with Training Magazine to conduct a Strategic L&D Survey.

    Learn what L&D organisations need to do to be recognised as strategic leaders. Plus, gain insights on specific actions “strategic L&D organisations” are taking that separate them from other organisations.

    We Talk the Talk, But Do We Walk the Walk?
  • Industry Survey Results on Leadership Development

    We posed key questions regarding current and next-generation leadership development in this industry survey of more than 500 Learning and Development professionals, conducted by Training magazine in cooperation with Wilson Learning Worldwide.

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    Training Magazine May-June 2017
  • Article: Earning the Status of Trusted Adviser

    By David Yesford and Michael Leimbach, Ph.D., Wilson Learning

    Research by CSO Insights and the Aberdeen Group has shown customer behaviours seem to be saying that they don't trust sales-people's intent.

    What does it take to earn trust with customers? Let's explore three key principles that point the way to becoming a trusted adviser.

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    Earning the Status of Trusted Advisor
  • Article: Selling to Value

    By David Yesford and Michael Leimbach, Ph.D., Wilson Learning

    Survey results show only 19% of salespeople effectively engage executives in impact discussions about value.

    This presents a great opportunity for sales teams to “sell to value” by creating highly differentiated offerings that secure customers and make the competition irrelevant.

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    Selling to Value