Подход лидера
Вызовы для лидера
- Формирование видения, цели и лидерских качеств
- Подготовка новых лидеров и высоко потенциальных сотрудников
- Как найти равновесие между лидерством и менеджментом
- Развите коммуникативной универсальности и навыков управления конфликтами
- Как добиться вовлеченности сотрудников
- Коучинг и мотивация сотрудников
- управление изменениями
- Делегирование и постановка командных иличных целей
- Навыки влияния и переговоров
- Становление сотрудничества
- Стимулирование инноваций и творчества
- Содействие кросс-культурный эффективности
- Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат
Учебные услуги
Результаты клиентов
Assessment Services for Leadership Development
Wilson Learning's Assessment Services drive performance improvement efforts through three core assessment services: Competency Modelling, Developmental and Impact Evaluation. These services help organisations address three key performance questions:
- How does your organisation define successful leadership performance?
- What are the current skill/knowledge levels of your leaders - and are these levels sufficient for successful performance?
- Have performance improvement initiatives undertaken in the past brought you closer to your desired performance state?
Assessment Services:
Impact Evaluation
Impact Evaluation will augment any effort to improve performance. It's been used in numerous industries including financial services, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, biotechnology, telecommunications and shipping. An Impact Evaluation shows the behaviours that changed, the performance that improved and the results achieved, whether in sales, leadership or individual effectiveness. Узнать больше
Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360™
Effectiveness Insights 360: Leaders (EIL) is a 360-degree feedback instrument that enables you to apply Wilson Learning’s Integrated Leadership Model for practical use. This assessment is easily configured to include different competencies and behaviors that best describe your leadership environment. Узнать больше