Подход лидера
Вызовы для лидера
- Формирование видения, цели и лидерских качеств
- Подготовка новых лидеров и высоко потенциальных сотрудников
- Как найти равновесие между лидерством и менеджментом
- Развите коммуникативной универсальности и навыков управления конфликтами
- Как добиться вовлеченности сотрудников
- Коучинг и мотивация сотрудников
- управление изменениями
- Делегирование и постановка командных иличных целей
- Навыки влияния и переговоров
- Становление сотрудничества
- Стимулирование инноваций и творчества
- Содействие кросс-культурный эффективности
- Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат
Учебные услуги
Результаты клиентов
Balancing Leadership and Management
Combine character-based leadership with management skills development and you have a foundation for building leaders that your employees will choose to follow. Character-based or Essence Leadership refers to what is at the core—those qualities of a leader that are driven from the purpose, values, beliefs and vision. Management skills, or Form, refer to the skills and actions that demonstrate leadership competencies and often are driven by organisational rules and policies. While both Essence and Form are important, they need to be in balance. Often, if there is no integration between Essence and Form, a credibility gap appears and trust becomes an issue. Integrity is the integration between what one is and what one does—leadership and management.
The Leader Manager: Achieving Performance with Fulfilment
The Leader Manager: Achieving Performance with Fulfilment provides leaders with the framework and skills to enable the work unit to achieve Performance with Fulfilment—the combination of high performance and high satisfaction from meaningful work done well. Leaders learn to support their work units in terms of Five Practices to provide what their people need. Узнать больше
Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360™
Effectiveness Insights 360: Leaders (EIL) is a 360-degree feedback instrument that enables you to apply Wilson Learning’s Integrated Leadership Model for practical use. This assessment is easily configured to include different competencies and behaviors that best describe your leadership environment. Узнать больше
Leading for Growth™
Leading for Growth™ challenges managers to re-think their role as leaders, shifting their mindset from that of "heroic manager" to "growth leader." The programme is structured on the core dimensions of growth leadership: building a collaborative culture, creating a shared vision and adopting mutual influence. Узнать больше
Leading from Within
Leading from Within examines the essence of leadership—the core questions that leaders must answer for themselves from within. This process workshop provides leaders with tools and strategies to explore the challenges of leadership, enhance their personal effectiveness and integrity as leaders and better enable them to lead. Узнать больше
Meeting Leadership Challenges
Leading for Performance: Meeting Leadership Challenges helps managers learn how to shift their attention away from output and toward creating optimal conditions for employees in three key leadership action areas. Managers will learn how to be an effective leader, rather than an individual contributor. Узнать больше