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3 Keys to Effective Virtual Delivery (Infographic): A Salesperson’s Guide to Better Engage Customers During Virtual Solution Presentations
To be successful today, salespeople need to engage customers in the solution they are offering, whether presenting virtually or face-to-face. Getting and keeping a customer engaged over a virtual meeting platform, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, can be challenging—the last thing a salesperson wants to see is customers glancing at their phones, multitasking, or checking out completely. Salespeople need to understand how to capture the audience’s attention and engage them in action. Узнать больше
The ABCs of sales coaching: Essential tips to amplify your team’s performance
What would a 29% increase in top-line salesforce performance mean to your organisation? Our research shows that when sales managers have the right skills, the single action of coaching has the greatest impact on the performance of your salesforce. Узнать больше
Aligning the selling and buying processes: A consultative selling approach
If you think your salespeople can control the way buyers buy — think again. The old adage that "people love to buy, but hate to be sold to" has changed—"people know how to buy, and won't be sold to." But, that doesn't mean it's time to fire your salesforce. With a little insight into today's buying process, salespeople can understand how customers buy and dramatically increase their sales results. Узнать больше
Approach to learning: How we enhance human performance through learning (Point of View paper)
Learning, the acquisition of new skills, knowledgeable and capabilities, always occurs within the context of human performance improvement! Wilson Learning approaches every client situation from this perspective. That is, we begin with a process of understanding the clients needs, expectations, situation and problems. Узнать больше
Assessment technology in the age of hyper-competition (Point of View paper)
As markets heat up all over the world, companies strive to develop strategies and tactics to contend with today's dynamic conditions, or at least survive them. "Hyper-competition is an environment of intense change in which flexible, aggressive, innovative competitors move into markets easily and rapidly, eroding the advantages of the large and established players." Узнать больше
Balancing the consultant and strategist roles: Managing the 4 sides of sales is key to highly effective selling skills
There was a time when a salesperson could fulfil a unified role as a vendor, trusted advisor and challenger. But today's hyper-competitive market requires the salesperson to play two distinct yet complementary roles—that of Consultant to the customer and Strategist to both the customer and his or her own organisation. Узнать больше
Becoming a leader people choose to follow: Effective leadership development
One of the greatest challenges leaders face is preventing their employees from feeling stuck or paralyzed in the current situation. Leaders need to shift their own energy to help people move forward in the context of opportunity, even while times are tough. This energy shift won’t happen automatically; rather, leaders must make a conscious, intentional shift. Узнать больше
Beyond the training event: 6 best practices that ensure learning results
Training events on their own aren’t enough to ensure lasting performance improvement but what can you do? Elevate any learning effort from programme to performance improvement initiative with these six best practices. Узнать больше
Boost Your Personal Power by Challenging the Way You Think
Personal power is the single biggest “make-or-break” factor in human performance—the factor that ultimately determines success. Beliefs are the fuel of our behavior, and there are four common beliefs that cause most of our negative feelings. In this article, we'll explore how to challenge these beliefs in order to unleash personal power. Узнать больше
Building extended learning systems that deliver
What does work is to combine the most critical components required for learning into a comprehensive, extended learning system. Such a system lays a foundation for the learner, establishes the why and the how for learning and provides application support to make sure newly acquired skills and knowledge are used on the job. Узнать больше