Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360™
The success of any sales organisation—and its salespeople—is greatly impacted by the quality and effectiveness of its leadership. We define effectiveness as both the skill of performing the behaviours necessary for successful job performance and how appropriately that skill is used when the situation calls for it. Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360™ provides the information needed to not only assess the effectiveness of your sales leadership talent but also provides the insights necessary to guide your development investments.
Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360 diagnoses where your sales leaders are in terms of the Integrated Leadership Model’s four roles. This 360-degree feedback instrument also measures the impact your sales leaders are having on the effectiveness of your sales process.
Two “off-the-shelf” configurations adapt the competencies from these roles to fit two leadership levels: Sales Manager and Sales Executive. Strategic Sales Leader competencies, for instance, focus primarily on Visionary and Facilitator skills. This program configures easily to include different mixes of competencies across the roles to best describe your specific sales leadership environment and structure.
Program Outcomes
Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360, as a diagnostic feedback instrument, adds value for individual leaders by powerfully highlighting their competency strengths, as well as identifying those competencies and behaviours they may need to further develop. This will help chart a path for the overall effectiveness of the leadership development investment. Sales leaders can then use this knowledge to craft a development plan to improve their overall leadership effectiveness.
Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360 provides high flexibility, from configuration and customisation through data collection, feedback, planning, and beyond. Implementation starts with an optional Kick-Off Meeting to set expectations, gain alignment, and set up schedules. The process of collecting feedback is completely online, and the Development Planning Session itself can be face-to-face or conducted as a webcast.
After the Development Planning Session, individual coaching may be recommended. This option can provide a wide variety of development activities to help leaders grow to the fullest degree possible. In the Organisational Results Planning Session, aggregate trends are reported to help your organisation base its development investment priorities on facts.
Wilson Learning has a very flexible capacity for instruments like Sales Leader Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360, customising and delivering more than 400,000 reports in less than one year.
Continuing Development
Sales leaders plan and prioritise their continuing development as part of the feedback process.
Wilson Learning can support further development in the form of appropriate leadership development programs for group needs or coaching to meet individual needs.
Organisational Reporting
Results are combined in one or more organisational reports to show the actual patterns of strengths and development needs within the population of sales leaders.
As part of our standard service, we present these results in a webcast briefing to senior leaders, as described above. Many organisations use this report as a needs analysis to target their development resources where they are most needed. Optionally, reports can be generated for various subgroups of the whole organisation to get an accurate reading of the specific development needs of leaders within a region or division.
This offering, like all others from Wilson Learning, can be customised to reflect your sales environment and business priorities and can be integrated with your sales process.