Medical Devices Organization Attributes Over $2.8M in Revenue to New Sales and Negotiation Skills
Résultats Clients

Medical Devices Organization Attributes Over $2.8M in Revenue to New Sales and Negotiation Skills

Business Issue:

The renal care industry in India is experiencing fast-paced growth due to government efforts and increased competition. This organization, a leading player globally in renal care, primarily drives revenue through hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis machines, manufactured in Germany, and related consumables. The organization needed to retain its leading position in the market by meeting multiple challenges, including:

  • Salespeople’s ability to position consumables as an ongoing service, in addition to dialysis machines
  • Steadily decreasing margins on the machines business due to increased competition
  • Salespeople succumbing to negotiation pressure by hospitals and clinics
  • Salespeople making low-margin deals


Wilson Learning curated a performance improvement journey with two phases.

Phase 1, The Counselor Salesperson™, launched the learning journey, establishing a problem-solving mindset and a customer-focused sales methodology across the sales organization.

Salespeople learned the strategies to respond to customers’ business needs, priorities, and interests better than the competition.

Phase 2, Negotiating to Yes™, grounded the salesforce in the concepts of Principled Negotiation, providing an efficient process, skills, and techniques for reaching optimal business agreements that are satisfying to both parties and strengthen customer relationships.

The teams cultivated skills for better questioning, listening, persuading, strategizing, problem-solving, and countering unfair tactics.

Impact Evaluation surveys were administered 4 months after each phase. Participants agreed that it was easy to apply the new skills and tools imparted through both workshops. 88% of sellers agreed that they improved the quality of their customer sales interactions and negotiations.

This project was a huge success thanks to Wilson Learning’s ability to contextualize the solutions to the medical devices organization with opportunities for application and skill usage—all driven and supported by business leaders in a supportive environment.


In addition to the stellar percentages reported for impact on skill development and performance, in the 4 months since The Counselor Salesperson was delivered, sales teams attributed over 1.41 million USD in sales as a result of using the consultative selling skills and 1.43 million USD in sales as a result of using the Principled Negotiation skills and tools.

This strategic partnership continues with opportunities to support new sales members in getting on board with the tested and proven sales and negotiation methodologies. Wilson Learning is also exploring how to help the company’s key account teams learn the skills to effectively leverage advanced sales performance tools.

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