Industrial Supply Company Differentiates with Value | Sales training results | Wilson Learning
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Fortune 500 Industrial Supply Company Differentiates with Value and Increases Annual Revenue

Fortune 500 Industrial Supply Company Differentiates with Value and Increases Annual Revenue

Business Issue:

Embedding a customer-centric differentiation strategy based on the value the organization delivers was a priority for this leading MRO supplier with revenues over $8 billion. The organization aspired to enable every salesperson in its 3,000-strong salesforce with key skills to position targeted products and services aligned with the value that was important to each unique customer.

Solution Summary:

A needs analysis and ensuing skill roadmap informed custom learning journeys for sellers and sales leaders. Supporting tools, aligned with the sales process, were developed and integrated into the organization’s CRM. Wilson Learning and client facilitators worked hand-in-hand during the organization’s annual sales meetings to ground the salesforce in fundamental value-based conversational skills based on Wilson Learning’s sales methodology. Over the next three years, those skills were expanded with custom advanced selling and negotiation skills.

The highly interactive training designs had facilitation teams reinforce skills from previous years and deliver new skills. Sales leaders served as “table captains” and led table discussions, resulting in relevant and real-time application of selling value and differentiating the organization from competitors.


  • The organization realized a steady increase in account expansion, annual revenue, decreased sales cycle time, and increased close ratios.
  • Selling Power recognized the organization on its “50 Best Companies to Sell for 2020” list, noting how the training aligns to the customer experience strategy and provided tools help facilitate successful value- based conversations.
  • The customer-centric approach, language, and goal of mastery is embedded into the sales culture and is the anchor for all new sales activities.
  • Sellers earn trust, gain a deep understanding of how the company’s products, services, and solutions impact their customers’ financials, and effectively position themselves as key business partners.
  • Targeted solutions are based on the value that is being delivered to the customer.

Services Used:

Assessment Services for Sales Development

Customization Services

Content Implemented:

The Counselor Salesperson™

Negotiation to Yes™

Sales Advantage Series™

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