Managing Time Wisely
Time is a scarce commodity, which represents a tremendous challenge for most managers. Yet the problem is not really how to manage time, but rather a more subtle problem of self-management. Leaders must be able to make the most of their own time and also help employees better manage their time.
Leading for Performance: Managing Time Wisely (LFP-MTW) focuses first on self-management skills so participants will be better able to apply time-management techniques and strategies. Participants assess current time-management habits, analyse personal payoffs for poor time management and identify ways to realise the same and new payoffs through effective time management.
Programme Outcomes
Leading for Performance: Managing Time Wisely ensures that an organisation's leaders are able to better manage themselves and their time, as well as able to help employees learn to make the most of their time.
Leading for Performance: Managing Time Wisely is a half-day instructor-led module that can be facilitated by Wilson Learning or by a leader-trained in-house professional.
This enables:
- Face-to-face interaction among the participants and the facilitator
- True-to-life skills practice with immediate in-person feedback
- The opportunity for real-time commitment to action
LFP-MTW is not linked to a particular planner or tool, but provides insight that applies to whatever system may already be in use.
Enabling Improved Performance
Leading for Performance: Managing Time Wisely features various performance application, reinforcement and support tools. These tools help ensure that leaders can develop skills during the workshop, then fine-tune and apply their newly acquired skills and behaviours back in the organisation. Involving managers and training them to coach is also important for successful LFP implementation.
Measurement and Evaluation
Organisations that implement Leading for Performance: Managing Time Wisely have access to a broad range of tools to measure initial behavioural changes and business results. For LFP-MTW, one approach may be a web-based survey of participants to identify the degree of change and the differences this change makes.
To learn more about measuring the impact of learning, visit Measurement and Evaluation Services.