La Communication Raisonnée (Communicating with Purpose)
Without effective communication, all other leadership skills do not matter. Leaders must communicate effectively with employees to ensure work groups remain aligned with corporate and departmental strategies. Too often, leaders have poor listening skills and send unclear messages to their employees. Both parties frequently misunderstand each other and tend to disregard what each is trying to say. Every organisation needs to have leaders in place who can effectively use the basic skill of communication.
Leading for Performance: Communicating with Purpose (LFP-CWP) provides the knowledge first-line and mid-level managers need to drive more effective one-to-one business communication with employees and colleagues.
Programme Outcomes
When leaders communicate effectively, their employees stay informed, participate and add value. Leading for Performance: Communicating with Purpose helps organisations gain competitive advantage when managers can communicate more effectively with their people, their peers and their customers.
Further Reading:
Leading for Performance: Communicating with Purpose is a half-day instructor-led module that can be taught by Wilson Learning or by a leader-trained in-house professional. This enables:
- Face-to-face interaction among the participants and with the facilitator
- True-to-life skills practice with immediate in-person feedback
- The opportunity for real-time commitment to action
Leading for Performance: Communicating with Purpose uses the Communication Planner and Job Aid Card so the participants can fine-tune and apply new skills and behaviours on the job. Involving management for support and coaching is important for successful implementation.
In some cases, additional individual coaching may be a useful option.
Résultats Clients:
Un fabricant d’aménagements intérieurs automobiles développe des leaders internationaux
Organisations that implement Leading for Performance: Communicating with Purpose have access to a broad range of tools to measure initial behavioural changes and business results. For LFP-CWP, one approach may be a web-based survey of participants' direct reports to identify the degree of change and the differences this change makes. More involved and thorough research options are also available.
To learn more about measuring the impact of learning, visit Measurement and Evaluation Services.