Wilson Learning’s New Book Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back, by Dr. Steve Buchholz and Tom Roth, Selected as a Best Business Book for 2019
Minneapolis, Minn, USA -
January 8, 2020 -
Wilson Learning, a global leader in leadership development, is honored to announce its new book Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back was selected as a Best Business Book for 2019 by Soundview Executive Book Summaries.
Written by Tom Roth, COO of Wilson Learning Worldwide, and Dr. Steve Buchholz, a leader in the field of leadership and change management, Unplugged focuses on what happens to employees who lose their way amidst change, becoming disconnected from their purpose, direction, meaning, and value. This must-read book examines how to restore lost energy and the critical role leaders play in doing so.
“We are honored that Unplugged was recognized by Soundview Executive Book Summaries as a Best Business Book of 2019,” remarks Mr. Roth. “We believe leaders are the catalyst to reengaging the workforce and the recognition from Soundview of the value of this content is significant.”
Dr. Buchholz shares, “Unplugged is a culmination of years of research and experience related to what is important to employees when choosing to be engaged and what leadership’s role is in making that choice. It is an honor to have it recognized as a Best Business Book for 2019.”
Soundview focuses on the professional and career development of its customers. Business books chosen for summarization directly address the challenges that their customers face on a daily basis, while keeping them abreast of the newest ideas and strategies. These books go through a specific selection process that evaluates them against Soundview Summary criteria. Only the best earn the label of a Soundview Best Book of the Year.
Mr. Roth concludes, “Ultimately, leaders will not be judged so much by how well they lead, but by how well they are followed.”
To order the book on Amazon, click here.