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Janvier 27, 2021 - Want your virtual teams to deliver results? Make sure they have "people" skills
par Michael Leimbach
We are at an interesting crossroad in history. Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with a decade-long trend of more dispersed work teams, created a critical challenge to team performance. The ability for teams to meet face-to-face is no longer the norm, let alone a possibility, for most. En savoir plus.
Novembre 10, 2016 - Separating the people from the problem
par Frank Croswell
We all experience situations at work where conflict arises, potentially putting relationships at risk. The key to resolving such conflicts is to be hard on the problem while being soft on the people involved. Let me share an example that illustrates the value of this stance. En savoir plus.
Juillet 31, 2013 - During growth mode, don’t neglect your high performers
par Carl Eidson
As organisations begin to hire and on-board new talent, it is easy for managers to make the mistake of spending all their time bringing new hires up to speed and re-directing those who are off track. This is a classic mistake that often leads to neglect of those high performers who appear on the surface to be highly engaged and self-motivated. The problem lies in the energy continuum where, at one end, those with low engagement under-perform and “rust out” as they wait and see what is expected. At the other end of the energy continuum are the highly motivated team members who work so hard they are at risk for burn-out, yet no one is checking in on them – or worse, managers are delegating even more to them without engaging them. En savoir plus.
Avril 2, 2012 - Better versatility = Better relationships
par Tom Roth
In conversations with clients about the impact of the current economic downturn, I keep hearing one concern everyone seems to share: "How can we help our people manage the strain of all the budget cuts, layoffs and re-organisations?" En savoir plus.
Juin 21, 2011 - What reality TV tells us about Social Styles and building better relationships
par Leon Thompson
As the saying goes, pop culture often imitates life. In today’s media-driven culture it seems you cannot have a reality show without a largely tell-assertive cast. Television executives are well aware that Expressives and Drivers in back-up mode equal good ratings. En savoir plus.
Octobre 8, 2010 - Building cultural competency
par Carl Eidson
A culturally diverse project team breaks down because team members can’t make a key decision that is core to the team’s mission. Some team members claim others are spending too much time off task and failing to share critical information. Other team members say the team leader is forcing decisions too quickly without allowing time for conversation, thought and consideration of alternatives. The executive sponsor is mystified. She wonders: “What’s the problem with this hand-picked team of high performers and how do I get them back on track?” En savoir plus.
Novembre 23, 2009 - Is an engaged employee born or bred?
par Bob Lovler and Scott Wesley
Lots of people are talking about employee engagement because of its relationship to a number of outcomes like retention, performance and customer loyalty. There seems to be a predominant focus on how to create (or breed) engaged employees through specific leadership and management practices. En savoir plus.